It was an ideological and romantic decision. As a Jewish kid from the US looking for meaning--and with a fire in my heart for this country--it made all the sense in the world. It's not something everyone can understand, but I liken it to a Transformer moving to Cybertron...the motives of which I think are quite clear.
So what have I learned on this journey?
After 9 years I am comfortable with the fact that culturally I still feel very American, I don't feel very Israeli. However, I have picked up a pretty hefty Israeli toolbox that has significantly augmented my world view. At the core of that toolbox rests a unique appreciation for innovation, adaptation and speed.
Life in Israel is fast. Things change quickly. Elections and governments shuttle in and out at as frantic a pace as the technology start-ups Israel is renown for producing. Israeli's are experimenters. They like trying new things by diving in head first. If something works they keep it. If it stops working they get rid of the broken parts and keep moving forward with what does work.
Israel is a great lab for a mad scientist's ready to push new agendas or start a new projects. There is always an opportunity and someone ready to access it with ambitions that span from lofty idealism to brass tacks pragmatism.
So, to sum up Israel has taught me the virtue of being a creator and to focus on the positivity of change with a great deal of excitement.
These are the attributes that motivate my journey in life and which I hope to impart here.
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