My journey to and within Israel has placed me smack dab in middle of one of the most technologically vibrant locals in the world. Hi-tech is really where it's at here. Whereas Israel has virtually no natural resources, it has an abundance of rich human capital and ambition within the native population and immigrant population alike that have proved a boon for the tech sector.
Israel is often portrayed as having an island mentality, which is very accurate. However, the predominance of IT innovation here has engendered deep feelings of connectivity with the global populace on numerous levels.
I see a small country that has all at once become born again, spinning webs of development and creativity across the globe with dazzling technological hutzpah.
All of this excites me.
Ive traditionally been involved in sales and sales management roles, but I have found that my true interests lay within marketing, specifically online. I find the role that marketing, advertising and social media play in our every day lives and connections with other people to be incredibly compelling.
I find studying social media to be an addictive pursuit. It overlaps my interests in human behavior, technology and communication. In many ways, Israel's hi-tech dynamism has imprinted upon me a deep desire to achieve the highest levels online understanding, ability & savvy--and to become as professional indispensable to my little corner of this sector as Israel has become to global technology initiatives.
I want to use this blog to convey and articulate a great many things: personal, professional, etc.
So here's to what I hope will become an enjoyable hobby and perhaps even a little inspiring and informative for you along the way!
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